At work this time – tire was as flat as a pancake when I went to leave at – ahem – 5pm… Bicycle rescue in the shape of Lorraine appeared with the car in about 20 mins though so got home easily enough. I checked for the cause of the…
No bicycle today
The weather is abysmal today so I am on the bus. The wind was blowing a gale and the rain seemed to be battering against the window off and on for most of last night. A day to stay at home in bed I reckon. Unfortunately work beckoned so here…
Blizzards in Edinburgh!
For the first time in ages I didn’t cycle to work and got the bus instead. It had been blowing a gale (I nearly put gail – thats a completely different article for a completely different website!!!) through the night but looked quite bright when I finally dragged myself out…
What does it all mean
I’m on a training course this week and here are just two extracts from the workbooks. Expressing grouped aggregates with derived tables allows ASE to “push down” the group predicates ASE does NOT guarantee repeatable reads on non-deterministic, non-materialized (virtual) computed columns I should hopefully be able to explain what…
Lack of updates!
This is an update for the sake of it… I’ve been pretty busy doing other things so haven’t had much time for posting here and won’t have for the next week or so. More on that once its up and running… I promise to post more stories from the honeymoon…
The Don's stag
Shortly off to meet up with the Don’s bro and gang to head up to Aberdeen for a weekend (well Saturday) of stag activities. Re-living student days for some by staying at the Hillhead halls of residence for Aberdeen Uni. Can’t remember what is planned for tomorrow other than it…
I'm the best I am
No I’m not bragging dear reader, surely you know me better than that. I’ve been officially offered (and accepted) the post of best man at Paul and Sandie wedding in December!!! We all know they are doing things a bit different so I’ll need to check and make sure I…
Web Calendars
For several years I have organised my diary through a webcalendar on my own webspace. I have recently discovered Google Calendar and thought I would give it a plug here as it is extremely usable. Migrating from webcalendar was a simple as exporting to ICal format, saving it to disk…
RGB vs Composite
I’ve been playing my cheap X-box (not 360) on the odd occasion for a month or so now and was not that impressed with the clarity of the graphics on my 32″ widescreen TV so I bought a high def Scart cable. Didn’t seem to make any difference though –…
Cor blimey guv'nor it ain't half hot!
I’m enjoying the sites and smells of London this week whilst on a course and it just happens to be the hottest July on record! Struggling to stay cool in a classroom of 30 folk, 15 computers, a server and two hefty projectors through the day. And then at night…