This year with the arrival of Jess our black lab I did a wee picture of our attempts to get her wearing antlers – not entirely successful but almost got there…

This year with the arrival of Jess our black lab I did a wee picture of our attempts to get her wearing antlers – not entirely successful but almost got there…
Seems to be nothing but Jess picutre on here these days… Biting my tongue on other developments at work. Will see what happens over the next week or so.
Jess has had all her jags and we are looking forward to getting her out for a proper walk – Monday I think! Ooooh the pressure. Here are a couple of videos and some more pictures of her our and about – and loving water like all Labs!
Jess has now been with us a whole week so here are a few more piccies and a video too!
Jess is off to the V-E-Ts today for her first of 2 jabs. Probably also get her chipped too. Thanks Lorraine for taking her! Not sure why I’m spelling out V-E-T here as she can’t read let alone find this post. Although, she did manage to switch on a PC…
Jess the dog has arrived at her new home safe and sound. She sat on my knee in a box lined with a towel smelling of her mum. Whimpered most of the way here from beyond Berwick, but she is well settled now! Trying to do things right we wanted…