Last week's tweets

Go canada! Rooting for our canadian chums eh. #icehockey # Crap picture, but this is Siouxsie watching the # Aaaaargh – damn return key – meant to say it was siouxsie the moggy watching the #icehockey # It's official, I'm fed up with the frosty mornings – it's Spring…

Last week's tweets

Back to work tomorrow. Boo. Weekends just aren't long enough! # Lots more website work this evening for Lorraine @feelgoodtherapy. New version of the website within a week! # Just watched the snowboarding on the BBC website. Amazing stuff from Shaun White – that dude can fly! #

Mark's next documentary

In case you haven’t been following Mark’s BBC site and the one I developed for him there is some news regarding when he is next on the TV The BBC One documentaries of this expedition are due to be shown at 10.35pm on Monday the 15th, 22nd and 29th March,…

blmweb's weekly Tweets for 2010-02-14

Sending a post from the PS3 while Lorraine is on the phone to NZ. Catching up on Heroes new series and just about to watch more Lost # have Portsmouth FC found the 7+ million quid they owe the country yet. Shut them down before they rack up more dept.…

Caesar's story

Just finished reading 4 books about Julius Caesar (thanks Paul) which made for fascinating reading. They follow his story from being a young boy to his famous death on the Ides of March. Lots of facts were massaged to make a better story but Con Iggulden explained what had changed…

More tweets than posts…

Maybe because it’s easier to tweet than write a decent length post but I seem to be tweeting more than posting these days. Shows up worst here on the blog front page with all these ‘latest tweets’. All too easy to just use one web tool to post to facebook/twitter/blog…