We’ve hopefully emailed or spoken to everyone we can think of between us, but if we haven’t I apologise for you getting the news through the website. Anyway, on Friday the 28th October I plucked up the courage to ask Lorraine to marry me. She said yes of course 🙂…
Cool Illusion
Check out this very cool illusion It is totally amazing! no kidding, no jokes, its for real.
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
This week and last I’ve been listening to the soundtrack of “O Brother, Where Art Thou”. I can only describe it as a sort of wild west soundtrack with banjos, fiddles, probably moonshine jugs, and double bass made from a broomhandle and a tea-chest. Most amusing and quite different. I’m…
Top 100
With name like Yeti Imperial, Deep Shaft, and Raspberry Tart who would have guessed this was a link to the worlds top 100 beers
Galleries have all moved
I have succesfully migrated all my galleries to a new spiffier version of gallery. They are all here
Click for the fullsize version
Land of the Dead
Maybe I might start posting more stuff in the forum to make replies easier?? Anyhow, go here for a brief comment about Land of the Dead
Amazon returns policy
Thought I would treat myself to a new DVD/CD Burner since they are only about £30 now. I remember buying my first Sony CD burner for £115 !!! Anyhow, eventually got it installed after several busy weeks and burned a music CD from MP3s first of all. No problem. Then…
long forgotten blmweb forums!
Would you believe that someone has actually posted something on blmweb forums after many months of neglect. In fact the last thing I did was to upgrade it and stop anonymous posting since someone tried to point us towards some very dodgy sites…
Weekend of DIY
Busy weekend of DIY for me – who would have thought putting up 6 shelves from IKEA would be so tricky… Firstly they are 1100mm wide when the gap they were going into was more like 770mm. So I had to chop something off both sides due to the way…