In the middle of weeks of glorious sunshine we organised to have a BBQ. Would you credit the fact that it rained on the day! Didn’t dampen spirits though and we had great fun chatting/eating/drinking with everyone who made it on the day. Special thanks to Gerhard for assisting with…
Baby Leon
Happy to announce that Simon and Abigail have had a wee boy Leon Mackenzie Smith born 25/07/06 @ 19:28 Not be long before Simon has him out on a mini-moto or motocrosser I’m sure 😉 Blm
Hot in work
After a scorching week in London last week, here in the Scottish capital its been almost as bad – well actually nowhere near as warm but still hot!Its not all an opportunity to top up your tan or finding an excuse for another bbq though as this guardian article points…
Cute Time Waster
Best with sound to hear what noise Haggis make Blm
Fred the Shed
Well more of a tool store than a shed – but anyway – Lorraine and I built it ourselves from flat pack kit at Dobbies. It is now the proud home of lawn mower, hose, compost, and lots of plant pots. (oh, and soon lots of muckle spiders now doubt!)…
Cor blimey guv'nor it ain't half hot!
I’m enjoying the sites and smells of London this week whilst on a course and it just happens to be the hottest July on record! Struggling to stay cool in a classroom of 30 folk, 15 computers, a server and two hefty projectors through the day. And then at night…
Cleaning Duties
After 300+ miles on my bicycle from new it definitely requires a complete clean. It just so happened that our local bicycle shop had a sale on so I’ve invested in a bicycle stand for us and a chain cleaning kit from the Edinburgh Bicycle Coop. Lorraine has promised to…
Not bad for auto-select…
I’m not known for being the world’s biggest footy fan but was persuaded to enter a fantasy football team for the recently ended world cup. Euan kindly ran the whole campaign to get us all signed up and front up a nominal entry fee. Not knowing who to pick I…
Sunny Days
Sitting here in the back garden writing a quick few words on the wireless laptop while enjoying the fantastic weather today. Tennis IBM live scoreboard is on and I’m streaming the footie from the beeb. What ever happened to just have a wee transistor radio eh? Blm
50% good movies…
A double bill of short cycling themed movies at the filmhouse on Saturday saw us watching Red Light Go, a film about cycle couriers in New York who get their kicks with Alleycat races through rush hour traffic. The second showing was an episode of a dutch sitcom (the com…