Not on his own this time, Mark Beaumont is heading out by boat along with a team of fellow explorers to row to the North Pole.

Tilt Shift
Mucked about with a tilt-shift app on the iPhone the other day – produced a quite cool effect from a pic taken from the top floor of our office.
38 weeks to go…
Okay, a week ago today it was announced that our office is closing down. Funny thing is that nothing is official yet so we haven’t actually had our letter of termination yet – only a note telling us what we are destined to get at the end of the year.…
New start in 2012
Yelladworks, my current employer is closing it’s Edinburgh office and ‘off-shoring’ all the of its IT to India from the end of the year. So yes, I have to find something to do from the start of next year. The package should be pretty good since I’ve been there for…
May the forks be with you…
Sorry for the bad pun… I just replaced my very old and knackered set of mountain bike forks from my original bike which now gets used as a commuter hack. So off came the old ones with some judicious hammer and screwdriver action to remove the original headset (not too…
Lightning Video
I got round to editing and uploading a video of some forked lightning from the top of our hotel in Pisa, Italy
Daylight Returns
I love it at this time of year when it start getting light in the mornings for my cycle to work, and in the evenings for the cycle home. Maybe it’s an inbuilt caveman thing – winter is over! Check out the sunset/sunrise elsewhere on this website. blm
Cold Karting
I’ve posted some helmet camera videos on youtube of our recent works night out to raceland’s outdoor circuit. Got a bit cold towards the end of the night but was really great fun – managed 3rd in the final!
TV cold turkey
Instead of giving up the booze for the new year this time we are considering a TV free month. Now that Strictly and The Apprentice are over there’s nothing much exciting on anyway! Can’t get away with TV on iPhone or PC or laptop either… Probably find myself listening to…
Fed up with this walking malarky
Right, getting a bit fed up with this snow nonsense now. Out of the last 31 journeys to or from work I have been on my bicycle the vast total of 6 trips… 🙁 1 bus journey home to make sure I was home in time to pick up Christmas…