Leaving Home
Jess the dog has arrived at her new home safe and sound.
She sat on my knee in a box lined with a towel smelling of her mum. Whimpered most of the way here from beyond Berwick, but she is well settled now!
Trying to do things right we wanted her to walk through the house to the back garden but it had been a wee bit too much for her so she peed in the hall.
Very timid to start with but was soon running about like a mad thing. Very keen to get her properly trained though so we’re making sure she does her obedience stuff from day 1.
She is now sound asleep in her puppy crate. Watching her via webcam to make sure we catch her getting up.
Siouxsie has spotted her from afar too.
Loads of pics coming soon!
Day 2 – Early Start!
Up at 5.30 this morning to let Jess out the back to do her ‘business’. She had already done it on a pad in the room, but she is learning quickly.
Hopefully later tomorrow as I am knackered!
Other than that she has been a wee star. Trying commands with her to keep her in check. Sit, come, no, and stay. Trying to keep it simple though with lots of play in between.
The ‘no’ gets used quite a bit when she starts eating everything in the garden…
Might introduce the moggies tomorrow. They have all seen each other but mostly from the other end of the garden or from behind the puppy/baby gate.
She also had her first visitors other than our neighbours today. Mum came round and was pretty much smitten I think. Our neighbour from across the way also came over before heading off to foreign lands next week. She lost her old black lab Storm this year so hope it helped seeing a new pup.
We have a gallery of pics on this page
Day 3 – Visitors
Jess had a couple of lots of visitors today, firstly out neighbours popped by but she was a bit pooped so just slobbed about!
Then in the afternoon Lorna, Steven and 3 year old Ryan came round and she was very nervous – I think an excitable wee boy is something new to her – heck, everything is something new to her!
She is just about managing to still do her business when we need her too which is great – and she goes into her crate at the ‘bed’ command… mostly…
Bit whiney when we leave her be, I’ve been in the same room as her on the PC most of the time so far so she’s used to the company, even if they are otherwise detained.