22->26 – Thursday->Monday

22->26 – Thursday->Monday

television.gifOut on Thursday and Saturday evenings so no problems there 🙂 Lorraine was working on Saturday and it was a reasonable day so I went and got muddy on the bicycle. Heading out to Colinton Dell then up and over the bridge and back via Craiglockhart/Gorgie. Needed to give the bike a good wash and lube so that took up my afternoon.

Sunday Lorraine was working but I strummed guitar, read, cleaned the loos, somehow managed to fill my day until she came home and we had a quiet night in.

Only a couple of days to go before we can start catching up on all the stuff we’ve saved – haven’t checked any of it though so I hope I set it all properly or we’ll have endless hours of bid up TV or QVC recorded…
